Tuesday, November 22, 2011

For What I'm Worth

I'm accepting the fact I will be a mess.
I'm okay with it, honestly.
I'm cutting out what makes me bitter,
and burning lingering sentimentally.
Nothing else is needed to get my head going.
It'll be the healthiest thing I could do for myself.

I can be boring, frustrating, sexy, funny, angry, quiet, adventurous.
Frankly, I could be it all.
     I can be anything.
I have to remember I'm not the only one who's insecure.
Or the one who just sometimes isn't attracted to someone else.
I just need to remember to learn and hold onto it.

I'm not going to hurt myself anymore,
I'm not looking back,
I'm living today.

Here's to right now!
Now get up and move.

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